Coaching and Consulting Work for Companies, Teams and Individual Senior Business Leaders

Who Needs An Executive Coach?
The Serviam Partners 5-Step Approach to Executive Coaching
Active Listening and Trust Building
We excel at getting to know our clients and building trust at the onset of the coaching relationship. We practice active listening and encourage complete transparency from the beginning.
Define Winning
We want to understand what “winning” looks like for our clients. Knowing and mutually agreeing on the end goals is critical to a successful coaching relationship.
Identify Obstacles
What is impeding our client from being more successful and achieving their goals? We gather perspectives and feedback from supervisors, peers and direct reports through the 360-interview process, attending our client’s team meetings and the use of helpful assessments.
Develop the Strategy and Action Plan
Taking all of the gathered feedback and ongoing input from the client, we develop a mutually agreed upon strategy to eliminate the identified obstacles and start practicing new behaviors. The strategy will be clear with specific action steps, expected time frames for implementation and clear accountability.
Action plans by themselves are not enough. Serviam Partners provides the on-going support, counsel, and encouragement necessary to ensure these changes take hold and lead the client to the success/goals they are seeking to attain. Our expectation is that the client will attain the desired level of performance and success, pulling their team and hopefully the organization in a positive direction as well.
Onboarding Coaching
You have performed well and received a well-earned promotion to a more senior position in your company. Maybe you were recruited from outside the organization into a leadership role. Once the excitement wears off, the serious work of getting off to a good start in your new job will require your full attention.
Are you prepared?
Onboarding has been a relevant business topic and on the radar of most HR leaders inside larger organizations since the mid-90s when The First 90 Days by author Michael Watkins was released. Many companies followed his challenge to create helpful onboarding experiences for their new hires, particularly in leadership roles. These experiences varied greatly and had mixed results. Some organizations defined onboarding as ‘employee orientation’ and others left it to the new leaders to figure out for themselves, providing little or no organizational support.
In my capacity as an executive coach for senior executives, I have long observed how critical the first few months are to a new leader’s success. Because of the typically rapid pace of business and an increasing lack of focus on individual leader development, leaders in new roles are often left to navigate the first months on their own without an effective road map for success or a coach to guide them.

Leadership Team Development
Leadership teams can sometimes get stuck or lose their way. Some teams are dysfunctional and need expert help to address their issues and get back on track. Serviam Partners offers tailored approaches for senior leadership teams to improve their effectiveness, trust, communication, collaboration, and overall functionality. We achieve this through Gap interviews, candid facilitation, increased self-awareness, and interactive team workshops around customized content to help the team achieve its objectives. Serviam Partners also offers expert 1:1 leadership coaching as an option to complement and enhance team engagements.
Randy Hain is a coach, business leader, consultant, community servant, author and sought‐after speaker, fluent in such diverse topics as workplace culture, candor, authenticity, servant leadership, growing business relationships and career strategy.
Randy Hain is the founder and president of Serviam Partners, which he launched in 2012. With a successful 30+ year career in senior leadership roles, corporate talent, and executive recruiting, he is a sought-after executive coach for senior leaders at some of the best-known companies in the U.S. who are seeking candid and expert guidance on how to overcome obstacles to their success or develop new leadership skills. He is also an expert at onboarding and cultural assimilation for senior leaders as well as helping senior leadership teams improve trust, collaboration and candid communication. Serviam Partners also offers consulting/coaching for companies, teams and individual business leaders looking to develop more authentic and effective business relationships both inside and outside their organizations. Randy Hain’s deep expertise in business relationships is a true area of differentiation for him and Serviam Partners.
Randy is the award-winning author of nine books, including his newest Upon Reflection: Helpful Insights and Timeless Lessons for the Busy Professional, his 2021 release: Essential Wisdom for Leaders of Every Generation, Special Children, Blessed Fathers: Encouragement for Fathers of Children with Special Needs, and LANDED! Proven Job Search Strategies for Today’s Professional. All of Randy’s books are available on Amazon.
He is a longtime board member of Growing Leaders, an international non-profit focused on developing leadership and character in young people, and an Advisory Board Member for the Brock School of Business at Samford University. He is also passionate about promoting autism awareness.
Randy is a 1989 graduate of the University of Georgia. He has been married for more than 25 years and has two adult sons.

Speaking Topics Include
- Best Practices for Building Authentic Business Relationships
- Practical Clarity
- The Importance of Professional Credibility
- Onboarding for Leaders
- Thriving in the “Relationship Economy”
- Building a Culture of Candor
- Curiosity to Drive Better Engagement
- Simplicity
- The Need for a Moral Compass
- Prioritization and Best Practices for Managing Time
- The Role of Authenticity at Work
- How to Pursue a Meaningful Life
- Best Practices for Empowering Others